2020 has been a pinnacle year for each and every one of us. With the pandemic and lockdown, many have lost loved ones, jobs and have suffered the consequences to their mental health. We firstly want to commend you for having made it this far, we truly understand how tough this year has been and how many may have felt like they
would not make it. Secondly, we once again want to thank on behalf of Bennu, all NHS and key workers for all your continued, sacrificial hard work and for being our nations hero’s. Finally, as we conclude as this year, it is important to reflect on 2020 and the year ahead. This post will help you to look within, reflect and inspire creativity as you reflect on 2020.
A Special word from Our Founder
‘Tis the season to be jolly’, this is certainly not the case for many people. With the trials, tribulations and trauma that Coronavirus (Covid-19) has impeded around the globe, leaving so many people feeling alone and isolated. Some may think, how can one be ‘jolly’?
Indeed, it has been a hard year, and the things that you may have wanted or expected to happen simply didn’t. That may not have been in the slightest related to C-19; but all the other drama’s, worries, problems and dilemmas that prevent you, me, us from getting ahead.
So, what can we do? Take a moment to do the activities that talks about ‘A time to reflect’. It is certainly something that I did, and it helped me process, relate and tune into myself. It also inspired me to share my thoughts with you today. Try and laugh more, it helps us
heal. ‘Be kind to yourself’, respect, love and value yourself. Not one of us can change the past, as much as we would do things differently if we could go back in time. So, right now, in the present time, what we can do from our past is perhaps learn and grow from it. We can
have expectations for tomorrow, but we cannot guarantee what will happen in the future. However, we can have HOPE, and we can DREAM. I invite you and I implore you to be hopeful and dream for your future. To hold that image and thought clearly in your mind
because in times of uncertainty the one thing that you can be certain to maintain control of is your imagination. I too am holding hope for you! I wish 2021 to be fruitful and productive. Happy New Year.
Kaz – General Practitionor & Founder of Bennu
A Time To Reflect
We know 2020 has been extremely difficult. Here are some. questions to help guide reflection and address any areas of your wellbeing you may need to turn your attention towards. Feel free to get more creative by expressing your answers through art, dance,
drama and even music.
1) Describe in 3 words (or with a picture, song or still image) what
2020 has been like for you.
2) How would you describe 2020 to someone who is 1000 years
ahead from now in the future?
3) What have you disliked the most in your personal life in 2020 and why? (For example, due to lockdown you may have missed socialising, and this may have bought on feelings of loneliness and isolation, and in turn caused a negative strain on your mental health and wellbeing.)
4) What are you most grateful for this year?
5) Have you practised self-care this year? If so, what have you enjoyed the most with your self-care? (If not, now is a great time to start thinking about self-care for 2021.)
6) What does self-care look like in the new year? Are there any adjustments that need to be made? What would you like to add to your self-care regime (If nothing has changed, that is
completely fine).
7) How have you been kind to yourself this year? How can you be kinder to yourself 2021?
8) How have you taken care of your physical health this year? Is
there anything you could do better next year?
9) What are you hoping to achieve next year? Is there a charity race you would like to take part in? Is there a project you would like to launch? Would you simply like to be more peaceful for example?
10) What are you hoping for next year?
11) How will you promote a healthy mind and wellbeing next year? (e.g journaling, doing more of what you enjoy, walks, therapy, talking to loved ones more e.c.t)
12) If you could describe hope for 2021 in three words for you, what would they be?
We hope this post has helped you to reflect and prepare for 2021. Remember that your mental health and wellbeing is so important – please continue to take time out and reflect in the year ahead. We very much wish you a happy new year!
Take great care of yourself,