The Perfect Self-Care Plan

The Perfect Self Care Plan

Today on the blog we are talking all about self-care! Many of you may have heard the term self-care; essentially what it is, is the practice of intentionally looking after your health and wellbeing…the care of one’s self. It’s so important and once you get a good self-care routine into practice you are likely to notice the positive effects. 

Finding what’s best for you 

There are many different things you can include in a self-care plan but it’s down to YOU as the name suggests. What you like and what you need. Here are some questions to guide you in figuring out what that may be:

What does your perfect day look like? 

What would you do? 

-Where would you go? (if anywhere) 

-What would you eat/drink? 

-Who would you see? (if anyone) 

-What would you defiantly NOT do?

-What is your perfect kind of atmosphere? 

Is it silent and peaceful? Full of life and vibrant? These are of course just suggestions, come up with your own perfect environment. 

-What tends to stress you out? 

-How can you avoid getting stressed out by these things?  

-What could you be doing more/less of, to improve your physical health? 

“An apple a day keeps the doctor away”

Majority of us won’t be able to have the perfect day everyday but we can most definitely do something every day related to that perfect day and hopefully aim towards that. The best thing to do is write down everything you would like to include in your self-care plan, and then go through your list and identify how often realistically you can do that. Here are some we thought of but of course please use your own list and what you like. This is about you1

Good self-care practices you can do daily, weekly, monthly or yearly.

  • Meditation 
  • Exercise  
  • Intentional rest 
  • Watching your favorite film/tv programme/sports show
  • Reading 
  • Going out on your own 
  • Going out with your loved ones 
  • Spending time with your family 
  • Treating yourself 
  • Pamper night 
  • Holiday 
  • Talk to a therapist 

Plan in action 

“If you don’t plan, you plan to fail”

Now you know how often and what is included in your self-care plan make the commitment.  Put it into practice! Compare how you feel now to a few weeks ago. Can you feel a positive effect on your overall health and well-being?  We hope this has been helpful. You are now well on your way to the perfect self-care plan! 

Take care of yourself, 


Disclaimer: In some circumstances further action other than a self-care plan is required. If you are emotionally or mentally struggling and in need of help please do not hesitate to get in contact with one of our therapists. If your enquiry is urgent please contact Samaritans  24  hour service here and refer to further useful links below.

*Not all images are our own, all credit to the original designers 

Useful links

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